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Notes on Yuk Hui's lecture: "(Quantum(Quantum(Quantum())): Artificial Imagination"

  Below are just some notes I have written to myself about this lecture, which was given at Tongji Universities' "Art and Artificial Intelligence" conference in may 28-29 2022 . I make these available publicly not for any particular reason, the Enterprise Student license for MS Office I was on finally kicked me off and so this website is currently my only word processor. Yuk Hui's lecture attempts to define a phenomena of "Artificial Imagination" that is categorically different and separate from our human one. Within this lecture, the concept of an Artificial Imagination is precluded by and heavily related to Artificial Intelligence. Hui makes this connection and guides the conversation back to the Critique of Pure Reason (a book I haven't read). Hui takes the given distinctions within CPR of Intelligence (which I believe is being used interchangably with Kantian "Knowledge") to first construct a model of artificial intelligence as part of a se...

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